Transactional spaces
[2018]> Project Architect - BARD Studio (Rupali Gupte and Prasad Shetty)
The research project included mapping the old city of mumbai extensively and documenting the various transactional capacities of spaces. The final products were gifs and narrative drawings which animated the transactional objects and spaces, thus displaying their behaviour in space. The work was produced for the seoul bienalle of architecture and urbanism 2017, and is now further developed to become a part of a travelling exhibition ‘death of architecture’.
Built-form has a capacity to afford transactions. This Transactional Capacity is the ability of the architecture to support different intensities of flows. ‘Flows’ here are the movements of bodies, commodities, ideas, money, etc. Architecture with high transactional capacities supports a high intensity of flows. Higher intensity of flows indicates higher intensity of densities, activities, networks, transactions, care, livelihoods, cultural settling, security, accommodation of diversity, etc. The transactional capacity of the built-form in many ways lends it its life.